Aunque a algunos todavía les parezca extraño, depilarse o dejar de hacerlo es una decisión tan personal como otra cualquiera y nadie debería juzgarte por ello. Es tu pelo, tú haces lo que quieras con él mientras no molestes a nadie, pero dentro de muchas cabecitas el vello corporal sigue siendo sinónimo de dejadez o suciedad… WRONG!
Aquí unas cuantas valientes que se enfrentan a trolls y no tan trolls. Porque si os fijáis en sus fotos, no faltan siempre corkis que las insultan y las intentan dejar por cerdas. ¡Va por ellas!
would you look at that!!! HAIR!!✨ Body hair on women in western society is viewed as masculine & abnormal. It’s silly that even razor commercials show a woman shaving with an ALREADY shaven leg!!! Many women are feeling pressure to shave because we are teaching everyone that that is what is most desirable and «normal», when really it is quite the contrary. What even is normal? None of us are normal unless we try to make ourselves fit into the standards of modern civilization. Growing up, I felt like that was «just what girls and women do..» but is it really? Why are women the only ones expected to shave? And then when they don’t they’re placed into categories like «lesbian» «manly» «unhygienic hippie» «ugly» etc..? Isn’t the fact that hair is actually growing in places other than just our heads beautiful!? I actually removed something so unique to me, I’d remove it all; I shaved my legs, feet, toes, arms, armpits, belly, and pubes without thinking how useful it really is to me. When I stopped shaving everything, I began to feel more connected to myself than ever. Our body hair carries a great amount of energy, removing it also removes this energy. I am evidently a very furry being! I do sometimes feel very unconfident about it, but I remind myself of my divine goddess energy, hair so raw and natural. Natural is ALWAYS beautiful!! I love my hair! Embrace who you are. Desensitizing others of body hair feels so FREEING!???????????? #bodyhair #selflove #divinefeminine #GODDESS
Una publicación compartida de infinite (@maceytheearthling) el 1 de Feb de 2017 a la(s) 1:49 PST